No livro Genius food (link abaixo) há um capítulo sobre esse tema de como melhorar a energia, o sono, a disposição, vencer os vícios e aproveitar com plenitude a vida com a dieta para a mente:
O livro traz as vias do glutamato (sinapses excitatórias), e gaba (sinapses inibitórias) comparando com o Yin (frio) Yang (fogo) chinês:
O exercício, meditação e a dieta correta corrigem a hiperestimulação do glutamato; O yoga é capaz de estimular o gaba associando a respiração e meditação;
Sim alimentos com glutamato monossódico são o veneno para isso eles estimulam o glutamato e o estado de hipersensibilidade, nem tudo que vem do oriente é bom.
Outro caminho Acetilcolina (sono REM, memória e aprendizagem) x Adrenalina:
Drogas psicotrópicas atuam para aumentar a acetilcolina, mas impedem sua degradação da sinapse ou seja vão interferir no sono reparador o REM quadro do que evitar:
O que comer para melhorar a síntese da acetilcolina são os precursores da colina: Top Choline Foods
Eggs (eat your yolks!)
Beef liver Fígado
Brussels sprouts
Sim tudo o básico da Paleo low carb
A serotonina combate os vícios da dopamina e para aumentar ela naturalmente:
Vitamina D e Triptofano, Omega 3 (EPA e DHA) ver o post anterior de ontem:
Outro é a microbiota e a saúde do intestino:
According to an oft-cited statistic, 90 percent of the body’s supply of serotonin is found in the gut, not the brain. This is true, as gut epithelial cells create serotonin, facilitating digestion. Does the key to happiness, then, lie in the gut? You bet—but the reason why may surprise you. Gut-derived serotonin does not cross"Norepinephrine: The Focus Neurotransmitter
Even though dopamine and serotonin are arguably the more well-known neurotransmitters, norepinephrine is equally noteworthy. Norepinephrine plays a very important role in focus and attention and is expressed in the brain whenever focus is needed, particularly in times of stress where it can enhance long-term memory formation. Can you remember where you were the moment you heard of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center? I’ll bet that day is burned into your memory in crys the blood-brain barrier. But at the same time, what happens in the gut can influence brain serotonin activity via its ability to modulate inflammation.
In chapter 7, we discussed gut health and the necessity for maintaining gut barrier integrity by consuming soluble fiber–containing vegetables that help to “seal up” the gut’s pores. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a normal constituent of a healthy bowel, becomes a potent instigator of inflammation when seeped through a “leaky” gut. Aside from sending the immune system into an inflamed state of defense, LPS is directly toxic to both the serotonin and dopamine systems. In fact, LPS is often used in the lab setting, injected into mice to induce depressive behavior and neurodegeneration. Revisit chapter 7 for ways to protect and enhance your gut wall integrity."
Por que o jejum, o exercício ou a atividade física te dá foco e atenção e melhora sua concentração: Noradrenalina
tal-clear, stunning detail. This is owed to none other than norepinephrine.
The main hub of norepinephrine is a small region in the brain known as the locus coeruleus. Any stressful stimuli lead to an increase in norepinephrine, from a terrorist attack to a major fight with a significant other to simply not eating for twenty-plus hours. Evolutionarily speaking, this is an important adaptive function. For much of our time on the planet, stressful stimuli required our immediate attention, and detailed, long-lasting memories needed to be formed to avoid such an event in the future (provided that we lived through that initial encounter). This is called long-term potentiation, and it plays an important role in fear conditioning. Because norepinephrine has such a powerful effect, undoing learned fear can be an intensive process—ask anybody suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.
Milder forms of stress can also activate many of the same pathways. The “stress” of learning a new instrument, solving a crossword puzzle, or experiencing novelty—exploring a new town, or going on a walk with changing scenery, for example—all have been shown to increase norepinephrine in the brain. This can be very beneficial, as norepinephrine helps to make the connections between neurons stronger."
Alimentos Neuro protetores (guardiães das sinapses e da saúde mental)
"Consume DHA fat from fatty fish, or consider supplementing with high-quality fish oil.
Avoid the consumption of polyunsaturated oils (revisit chapter 2) and increase consumption of extra-virgin olive oil.
Consume ample fat-soluble antioxidants like vitamin E (found in avocados, almonds, and grass-fed beef), carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin (found in kale, avocados, and pistachio nuts), and astaxanthin (found in krill oil)."
Resumindo sãos as fontes de omega 3 (chia, salmão ou suplementos), vegetais como crucíferas, e vitaminas lipossolúveis como a E.
veja a lista completa aqui no blog mesmo:
A lista completa de coisas gerais são:
Consuma orgânico (evite metais pesados e pesticidas)
Evite excesso de estímulos elétricos;
"When requiring focus, such as when working or studying, ensure that any music you choose to listen to is instrumental only. Lyrics engage the brain’s language center, which can compromise your ability to use language in other tasks simultaneously.
Turn the volume down on your devices (TV, smartphone, etc.). Keep the volume as low as possible while still being able to enjoy your content.
Turn down the brightness on your screens. Many people keep their smartphone screen brightness up to the maximum setting. Set yours to adjust automatically to ambient light, and keep it on minimum brightness at night.
Use warmer-colored bulbs in your home. Bulbs that give off a more “orange” glow contain less of the blue wavelengths of light, which can overstimulate the brain in evening hours.
Eliminate overhead lighting, especially at night. Overhead lighting signals to the brain that the sun is out. Eye-level lighting in the evening hours (from lamps, for example) is much more soothing to a brain that is trying to wind down. We had fires to light our evenings for four hundred thousand years (some estimate even longer) but overhead light bulbs for less than two hundred.45
Meditate. I recommend being properly trained in meditation. Whatever style you choose, research shows it to be a very smart investment. Take the time to do it right, and you’ll have it with you for the rest of your life! I’ve written an entire beginner’s guide to meditation (along with recommendations for good online courses) on my website at"
Faça jejum, cetogênica as vezes, ou meditação são vias de limpeza;
Resumo do capítulo:
Acknowledge your biological excitation mode and inhibition mode, and understand that you need both regularly: exercise and recovery, adventure and relaxation.
Avoid toxic anticholinergic drugs.
Ensure adequate dietary choline intake.
Maintain adequate omega-3 intake (see chapter 2 for a refresher).
Get a blood test to ensure optimal vitamin D levels. Most often you will have to specifically request that your doctor test for this, and it is an inexpensive test. Though there is no consensus, the latest research suggests that having D levels in the range of 40 to 60 ng/ml is optimal (see chapter 12 for further explanation).
Exercise often, which sends tryptophan straight to the brain, in an effect that persists even after exercise.
Without looking directly into the sun, ensure daily bright sunlight exposure. Even on a cloudy day, the light outside is brighter than anything you could achieve indoors and is sufficient to improve mood.
Follow the gut health plan set forth in chapter 7.
Begin a novel exercise routine.
Learn to play a new instrument.
Get out of your social comfort zone.
Begin a side entrepreneurial project.
Start a new blog, newsletter, or Meetup group. pessoal esse kkk
Break from the “tranquility of repetition.” Take alternate routes to work and travel more frequently.
Halt chronic consumption of news, which causes, more often than not, an unnecessary spike in norepinephrine.
When you require long periods of focus, engage in short, frequent bouts of physical activity.
Links Dr Juliano alimentos:
Serotonina e intestino em 4 minutos
em 15 minutos
em 25 minutos
links Dayan Siebra
Hej :)
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